Last summer, I took Liam to his very first theater movie. We saw The Smurfs (the movies tend to be a bit older, definitely not newly in theaters). This was the perfect setting to try out a toddler's first theater experience. There was no worry of whether or not he would stay still, be quiet enough, or that we might have to leave in the middle of the movie. These movies are also prefect for little ones because they are offered so early in the day. I was able to take Liam and still get him home in time have lunch and take an afternoon nap.
Liam did a wonderful job, but there were a couple of times that he asked questions, asked to sit in my lap, and said things like, "It's too loud.", so I'm very glad that his first trip was in this setting. No one commented on his movements, no one complained that he was talking, in fact several other kids were doing the same thing. This took the pressure off of me, to make sure my son was "perfectly quiet and still". It was a fantastic experience, and we'll be doing it again this summer!
Liam's first trip to a movie theater |